The 2008 Gifted Operating Standards of Ohio states “Gifted services shall be based on the student's area(s) of identification and individual needs and be guided by a WEP.” The following will help provide information about collecting information to individualize your child’s WEP. 


Learning style, multiple intelligence, and interest inventories gather information about your child’s individual characteristics.  Please help her/him print & complete the inventories you deem important.  If you would like, provide me with a hard copy, so I may include them in your child’s WEP to help guide differentiation of instruction.


There are no right or wrong answers to these inventories.  Rather, they give a better description of how your child prefers to think and learn. 


If your child is interested in developing, creating, & presenting a research project, read through this section with her/him.  You will be given the framework for designing a project which your child may share with her/his teacher(s) for the chosen subject area.


Please continue to let me know of any questions.

 Thank you!