Learning Style Checklist 

Several different learning style inventories are available that help score your preferred way to learn, or take in information.  You probably learn most easily in your areas of strength.  However, with practice, you can improve your ability in other areas.


The following checklist is not scored.  It shows ways you may prefer to learn.  You may fill in the boxes with ideas to help you learn!  Please remember this is a general inventory.  Try to answer in a general way by marking how you usually like to do things.  You may have several preferred ways to learn.


Name…………………………………….   Grade………….    Date…………………….. 



___ I remember what I read better than what I hear.

___ I do well in classes where most of the information has to be read.

___ I would rather read a story than listen to a story. 

 ___ I may prefer to learn by reading, thinking in pictures, or…? 




___ I remember things I hear better than things I read.

___ I understand more from talking about a subject in class than from reading about it.

___ When I do math problems, I say the numbers to myself. 

 ___ I may prefer to learn by listening, or…? 



___ I understand what I have learned when I make something for the subject.

___ I like to make things with my hands.

___ I learn best by building, baking, or doing things. 

 ___ I may prefer to learn by involving all my senses in the learning process, or…? 



___  I learn best when I study alone.

___ I can’t think as well when I work with someone else as when I work alone.

___ I get more work done when I work alone. 

 ___ I may prefer to learn by studying alone, or…? 



___ I like to learn in a group because I learn from others in my group.

___ I can learn more working with a group of my classmates than I can working by myself.

___ I get more work done when I work with someone. 

 ___ I may prefer to learn by studying in a group, or…? 



___ I would rather tell how something works than write how it works.

___ I would rather tell a story than write it.

___ I can say the answer to a question better than I can write it.  

 ___ I may prefer to learn by speaking to individuals, or a group, or…? 



___ Assignments which I write are easy for me to do.

___ The things I write on paper sound better than when I say them.

___ I like doing written assignments.  

 ___ I may prefer to learn by writing, or…? 



___ I like to follow steps that tell me what to do first, then next.

___ I like to organize my school work.

___ I work on one thing until I am finished rather than jump around doing different things.  

 ___ I may prefer to learn by organizing it into steps, or…? 



___ I like to have a general overview of the lesson prior to presentation.

___ I like to work on many things at one time.

___ I like to create my own way of doing things. 

 ___ I may prefer to learn by looking at the BIG idea first & identifying themes, or…?